There was a time in my life, not too long ago and definitely not a galaxy far far away, where I went to every single comic book movie. Every single one. I watched and made other people watch with me: Superman Returns, Constantine, and Daredevil in the movie theater. I like comic book movies, but I've had enough. I haven't watched any of new Spidermans (Tobey Maguire was just the best Peter Parker), will probably refuse to watch Batman vs Superman, and was curious enough about X-Men Days of Future Past to watch it in the theatre but when people asked me about it...I told them the actors were good. I will say Avengers is a great movie, but again great casting and I just adore Joss Whedon.
I understand why comic book movies are re-booted (they are profitable because people go see them again like Pavlov's dog) and just keep getting made (they do have amazing storylines). They are fairly entertaining and if you are an actor, a dream job. But even I, who has a high tolerance for comic book movies and fandom, am tired of every big movie is a comic book movie.
So even though Guardians of the Galaxy would probably be a movie I would enjoy, I won't go see it because it is a comic book movie. I've had enough. However, I read an interesting argument about Guardians this week: Guardians is this generation's Star Wars. Intriguing and from what I can tell, possibly true. Every generation should have a Star Wars: a spectacular space adventure. However, I am hoping/waiting for this generation's Princess Bride, Back to the Future, or Die Hard. Though it seems like we will get this generation's Ghostbusters. Complete with an all female cast! Now that is a movie I can't wait to see.
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