Sunday, June 16, 2013

Update on Summer 2013 movies

I've only watched two movies this summer: Star Trek Into Darkness and Before Midnight. I kinda missed the boat on Iron Man 3. Apparently Hangover 3 is a rambling mess. I should watch Fast and Furious 6 in the theatre, but I was too excited about Before Midnight. Man of Steel previews confirmed my membership to Team Bruce Wayne. When I really thought about movies I wanted to see this weekend (perhaps with my dad), I realized I would rather just watch Star Trek Into Darkness and Before Midnight again.

Star Trek Into Darkness did not disappoint. Something about the movie appeals to everyone. Whether it is hard core Star Trek fans, BBC Sherlock fans, summer blockbuster action has everything. It probably appeals most to people like me: a Star Wars fan who appreciates Star Trek and thinks Chris Pine is super cute. Some had problems with the end (there's a chase scene between Spock and "John Harrison"), but I enjoyed it because Spock wasn't in control of his emotions. In many ways, there doesn't need to be a third movie. A part of me hopes they don't make a 3rd movie yet I know I will feel short-changed if they don't. Complicated are my feelings about this (sorry, couldn't help myself).

Before Midnight is a marvel. What happens when you do end up with a true love? The final argument between Jesse and Celine in the hotel room (it was hard not to be distracted by a topless Celine) was so painfully real. These type of arguments are built on frustration, love, and have no answer. Yet you remain hopeful that together you may find an answer. Not just for Jesse and Celine, for everyone. I am grateful to Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, and Richard Linklater for continuing this story. Thank you for sharing.

I recommend Star Trek Into Darkness and Before Midnight to anyone. Let me know if you need company to watch either, I'll totally come with.

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY, REALLY want to see Before Midnight. I didn't really care for Before Sunrise (I was too young to get the allure of intellectual conversation in your 20s), but I loved Before Sunset. I love how realistic Jesse and Celine are. Of course, the backdrop of Europe helps too!
