Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rue La La has figured me out

Since I do like fashion, I subscribe to all sorts of fashion email lists. I don't open every one of them. However, there are pockets of time where I just want to look at pretty things. I've always enjoying the physical act of shopping: going into stores, walking around, browsing, searching for deals, and getting cute bags with your purchase. As I get older and perhaps becoming better at internet shopping, I am buying more things on-line. Sometimes, it is just easier. Sometimes, there are good sales. Sometimes, a shopping website knows you so well...rewarding them with a purchase just seems like the right thing to do.

Rue La La understands me, at the shopping version of me. I subscribed to Rue La La through a friend's link. If I bought something from Rue La La, she would have gotten a $10 credit. However, I never bought anything off the site. Rue La La has nice things, many times I have been tempted. I just never clicked the "complete order" tab. I'm not a person who "needs" things and I usually forget stuff I didn't buy. I do like a good deal and this is where Rue La La gets me. Instead of offering discount codes, Rue La La gives credit. It happened after I had subscribed to Rue La La emails for about 4 months without buying anything. I got a friendly email from the CEO of Rue La La who said he "noticed" I hadn't bought anything. He thought I would really like their company if I would give them a chance, and offered me a $30 credit. Basically free money I could spend on anything. How could I not spend free money? I ended up getting a BCBG purse which cost $30 and I only had to pay for shipping. Since one of my internet pet peeves is paying for shipping, what Rue La La does for shipping is kinda marvelous: you pay $9.95 once and everything you buy for the next month is shipped for free. Seriously, Rue La La just gets me. I didn't order anything else after buying the BCBG purse but the free shipping was very tempting.

This leads us to last week, where I got another email from the Rue La La CEO commenting on my lack of purchases. He wished I liked their company more (I do like their company!) and offered me a free $25 credit towards my next purchase. More free credit? Because I haven't bought anything? Well if you insist. So of course the last couple of days, I've been trolling the Rue La La site. I'll probably use the credit for something (I keep looking at shoes....) and will be completely happy with my purchase. Of course I will be tempted again by free shipping the month after I make my purchase.

So Rue La La has done enough to win my allegiance. I'm obviously not their ideal customer, but I do appreciate their attempts at trying to win me over. And it is working! At least well enough for me to write a glowing post about them.

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