Monday, November 4, 2013

A Review of Allegiant, the Final Book in the Divergent Series

I wrote a post about the Divergent series a couple months ago. The final book of the series, Allegiant, was published on October 22nd. I finally finished the book and should give it a review since I already dedicated a post to the first two books of the series. This is difficult because I don't want to even think about the book I just finished.

The problem is I (along with many others) really dislike Allegiant. I actually bought the book on its release date, skimmed through it, figured out I would hate it, and then it took me 12 days to finish it. No spoilers here, but I agree with the majority of readers. The ending is contrived and what the author Veronica Roth thought she was doing wasn't what she actually accomplished. The amazing story of strength, perserverance, and love apparent in the first two books ended up being a convoluted mess. Mostly I'm just disappointed.

Now I have even more respect for The Hunger Games. It is marvelously written with a true understanding of the human condition. I mentioned in my Divergent and Insurgent post that Veronica Roth was too ambitious which is obviously true. She ended up changing the way Allegiant was written because she couldn't write the story she wanted. But I think that should have been the first clue the path she decided to take was not how the story should have evolved. Much has been written about Roth's youth and in Allegiant it is very apparent. However, I also understand her defense of Allegiant and appreciate the maturity she has shown in its discussion.

So I highly recommend The Hunger Games to anyone. As I've mentioned before, Catching Fire is my favorite of the series and and trailer does not disappoint.

It looks good! The Divergent Series is subpar in many ways, but I don't regret reading it. However with all things, it is hard to remember the good when the ending is so bad.

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