Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Growing up in a military town

Sometimes it is hard to remember San Diego is a military town. There are beaches to distract you. Comic-Con comes once a year to create havoc. Let's not forget the incomparable San Diego Zoo and Sea World which if you grew up in San Diego were the best places for field trips. Though these days if you have a child under 5, you are more likely to visit Legoland than anything else in San Diego.

But there is a huge military presence in San Diego. Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard all reside within San Diego County. The only one missing is Army, but there's a base a couple of hours away by car. My father wasn't in the military, but almost every single one of my friends' fathers was a military guy. My friends had to deal with deployment, missed birthdays, general lack of communication (i.e. internet didn't exist), and watching me interact with my dad. I know it wasn't easy.

So Veteran's Day and Memorial Day have a special meaning to any San Diegan, native or new. A big thank you to everyone who has served our country. May we honor your and your families' sacrifice with empathy and gratitude. Be safe and stay strong.

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