Thursday, May 16, 2013

The art of coughing

I've been sick for the past two weeks. So pretty much since my last post.  I'm better now, but I still have a nagging cough. Actually, most of my sickness was an incessant cough. There are a couple of things I learned from all my coughing the past two weeks:

  • I didn't realize until I couldn't how much I sing along to songs while I drive. 
  • I am really disappointed all my coughing did not lead to amazing abs. Really disappointed.
  • There is fine line between alcohol helping/hurting a coughing sickness. Too little does nothing, too much starts another coughing fit.
  • I really only like ricola cough drops.
  • Remember when you were young and being sick was whatever? Not anymore! I pretty much was a big louse the past two weeks. I'll be making up for it this weekend and though being sick is never is increasing unfun as one gets older. 

Luckily, being sick coincided with season finales and hockey playoffs. So I was entertained at least. I accomplished one "getting better" milestone two days ago by not waking up by coughing. Yay! Now onto complete wellness.

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