Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Dashboard Confessional of my life

*Originally posted 7/29/2012

I'm really not an emo girl, neither is my sister. I honestly don't know why we ever went to our first dashboard concert 5- 6 years ago. It was at The Greek Theatre which is probably my favorite venue ever to watch a concert (The Hollywood Bowl is a close second). It is an intimiate theatre with superb aoustics and surrounding scenery (one feels that you are in forest). At one point at that very first Dashboard concert, Chris Carraba asked the audience who had been to a dashboard confessional concert before. I swear about 80% of the audience raised their hands. My sister and I were in the minority, but we soon joined the cult. Even though we have gone to more jimmy eat world concerts, my sister and I own more dashboard confessional concert items. I personally have dashboard confessional dice (why? I have no idea), a hoodie, and two canvas bags. I think Spiderman 2 is the best comic book movie ever though I have to admit my opinion may be skewed by the dashboard confessional song (Vindicated). So maybe I really am an emo girl.

Last year dashboard confessional played at the House of Blues and had 3 opening bands. Who needs 3 opening bands? With the a House of Blues venue (where you have to stand the entire time) we had to get there early. We got through the bands and it was a good concert. At this point in our concert going lives, we know too much about Chris Carraba's personal history (the guy does like to talk between songs). He likes redheads (hello Mary Jane Watson!), he once dated a trucker (who broke his heart into pieces), and he now has tatoos covering both his arms. I feel (in the least creepy way possible) that I know him very well.

When I saw that Dashboard was playing 4 o'clock Fridays at Del Mar, I suggested to my sister that we should go. We don't go to as many concerts as we used to, but it was Dashboard. When the concert started, I realized I had missed Dashboard. He probably defines a good 10 years of my life.

So the concert...let's just say my sister and I decided that Chris (because we are on a first name basis) recently had his heart broken. He sang all of his older songs (the screaming infidelities album) which are the definition of emo. I didn't realize until last night the majority of his songs are depressing. The concert was probably the worst Dashboard concert I've been to (my sister suggested he should do coffeeshop concerts instead of outdoor venues), but you can tell that Chris  is just not in a good place. And that made me sad. It made me think that this might be the last Dashboard concert I'll probably ever attend if Chris isn't able to pull himself out.

So this post is a tribute blog. Thanks Dashboard for expressing your emotions so I could relate to mine. There was an entire week where I listened to Don't Wait on repeat.

And if I never go to another Dashboard Confessional concert (though I'm pulling for you Chris!), let me just say thank you for the best day of my life.

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