Friday, January 17, 2014

I am SHER-locked

As a true Anglophile, I love the idea of Sherlock Holmes. As a trained scientist, I admire his deductive reasoning skills. As a person who lives in a world with 3 different interpretations of Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr, Johnny Lee Miller, and Benedict Cumberbatch), I am just delighted in every way.

All Sherlocks have a special place in my heart. Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock lives in the early 1900's as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote him. Jude Law (whose breakout role is in one of my favorite all-time movies Gattaca) is his Dr. Watson. They have done two movies and there really should be a third but who knows if that will really happen. Johnny Lee Miller's Sherlock in Elementary is the most damaged. In true American fashion, he has risen above his own shortcomings and has become a better detective. The most admirable aspect of Elementary is that Watson is played by Lucy Liu. A female Watson is a revelation. They have a true partnership which requires them to lean against each other for strength. The fact that this is a male/female non-romantic relationship portrayed realistically is the strength of Elementary. This doesn't make good drama. However due to their different perspectives in makes them a better team. But from the title of this post, you know what I really want to discuss is the BBC version of Sherlock.

I just caught up in the BBC version with Benedict Cumberbatch and I would watch the episodes again right now if each one wasn't ~90 minutes long. Why did it take me two years to watch them? Well, for the same reason I haven't caught up on Scandal: once you miss the initial screening, it is relatively easy to put off watching episodes until necessary. The return of Scandal is February 27th. So I will be doing a Scandal marathon right after the Winter Olympics ends.

While watching Sherlock this past week, I was extraordinarily captivated. The Sherlock interpretation of Sherlock Holmes is the most cheeky and progressive. Despite my desire to love all Sherlocks the same, Sherlock is probably my favorite because it takes place in present day England. They made Irene Adler a lesbian (inspired!), Dr. Watson a war vet, and Moriarty an insane villain whose need to win at all costs causes him (spoiler alert!) to commit suicide. The fact that Cumberbatch probably inspires sculptors everywhere with his perfectly portioned face (this makes him beautiful but not exactly hot) results in watching Sherlock "think" a true pleasure. The way the Sherlock series has interpreted the stories for modern day Britain is really remarkable. Anybody who appreciates good entertainment will enjoy Sherlock. I really cannot recommend it enough. In fact, I want to rename my blog "I am SHER-locked." Somebody talk me out of it. Or perhaps into it? :)

I will be watching the first episode of Sherlock's Season 3 this Sunday. Since I'm all caught up, I cannot wait for this season to begin. I want to make scones and watch them over a cup of tea. Let the fascination continue.

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