Thursday, January 30, 2014

The really big question: Can I become a vegetarian?

There hardly has been any rain this month. It is predicted to rain a bit tonight, but definitely not enough to appease anyone in California. It is so crazy California has a water shortage while some of the US is experiencing a second polar vortex. The lack of rain always worries me. Mostly because during the fires of 2007 my childhood home almost burned to the ground. Presently, the news cycle revolves around water shortages and how to conserve water. As a person who likes to be a minimalist in everything but my wardrobe, I already use the smallest volume of water possible. However, I still wrestle with the fact that I could do one more thing: I could become a vegetarian.

Whether or not it is an urban legend, the idea that it takes 3 bathtubs of water to produce one filet mignon makes me cringe. While eating a filet mignon. I grew up in carnivore culture and all of my favorite dishes have meat in them. I really don't even like vegetables. It is only in the past few years and LA living (where there is a tremendous amount of peer pressure to eat healthy) that I've even found a couple of vegetables which are tolerable. That's right, tolerable. So the way I worded the question in the title of this post is telling: I'm actually not sure if I could be a vegetarian.

But I do dream about becoming one. I live in the best place in the US to become a vegetarian. I have cut my meat intake significantly in the past few years. I eat salads. If I could learn how to cook Indian or Thai food, maybe I could reduce the amount of meat in my life even more. Perhaps the dream is closer than ever, but I have to admit just writing this post made me think of beef panang curry (sound delicious!). So yeah, small steps to even smaller steps. At least, I'm heading towards the right direction.

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