Thursday, March 21, 2013

Adoring my netbook

*Originally posted 1/1/2013

Back in the summer of 2010, I needed a new laptop. My Fujitsu was 6 years old and wouldn't charge (aside: I'm writing this blog on my Fujitsu. I learned the connecter for charging my laptop was slightly broken but I could still charge my Fujitsu if I kept the laptop perfectly still. My Fujitsu laptop essentially became my Fujitsu desktop. This means I'm using an 8 1/2 year old laptop but an ode to my Fujitsu is another post. Probably when it dies. That thought just made me sad). The iPad was then a really big deal. As much as I support Elvin (my cousin) and love my iPhone, I wasn't sold on the iPad. It was extremely expensive. I also still had the iPhone 1 at the time and my one issue with the iPhone was the fact I needed to charge it all the time. Granted my iPhone was old (almost three years at that point), but it was annoying. Not holding a charge is going to be a dealbreaker for any technology I will ever buy.

It had taken me a long time to buy my Fujitsu laptop. So it wasn't a real surprise when the whole iPad/netbook/laptop decision also took a couple of months. I didn't want a laptop because those were heavy  and I didn't need a widescreen (my Fujitsu was only 5.1 lbs and had a regular screen). I hated the netbook's small keys and I had small hands. I wasn't impressed by the touchscreen capabilities of the iPad (perhaps because I had an iPhone?) and doubted I could do anything well using a touchscreen. I researched and researched and then bought nothing. I'm sure I drove Melissa (my sister) crazy.

One day I checked out a Best Buy and Fry's. I then went back to the Best Buy to buy a Toshiba netbook (that wasn't even on sale!) It was the only netbook I saw with big keys, supposedly held a 9 hour charge (ended up being closer to 7), 2.2 lbs, and came from a reputable company. I never upgraded it from a 2G memory or bought the Office package. I've accidentally packed it in my luggage on a Southwest flight from Vegas to San Diego and it came out fine. It survived traveling through Australia (though the Fujitsu did make it to Morocco) and I use it every single day. I have no complaints and it is probably one of my best purchases ever.

So when I read the article regarding how the netbook is dead in its old form it made me grateful for buying my netbook when I did. I know the people who enjoyed netbooks were probably people like me who don't need computing power, dislike heavy things, and value efficiency. I will probably be using my netbook 8 years from now. Hopefully, I still won't be using my Fujitsu :)

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