Thursday, March 21, 2013

Star Wars vs. Star Trek and a Before Midnight moment

*Originally posted 1/24/2013

It is an eternal debate, Star Wars vs Star Trek. I naturally gravitated towards Star Wars when I was younger because it is about good vs evil, sword-fights, and contains a true love story. Star Trek is more cerebral and I appreciate everything about it more and more the older I become. But I do not think the same person should be in charge of Star Wars and Star Trek reboots/sequels. Even if that person is J. J. Abrams.

When I first learned J.J. Abrams will be the director for Star Wars VII, I immediately thought who was going to direct Star Trek 3. Because there has to be a Star Trek 3! Unless everyone dies in Star Trek into the Darkness? Out of all the reboots, sequels, prequels...Star Trek with my crush Chris Pine is by far the best. Everything about it was stellar, to the characters, the story-line, action sequences, and perfect casting. I suffered through Star Wars I, II, and III. In fact, I seriously believe the new Star Wars should be animated due to the amazing things they have done with Star Wars Clone Wars. It will be years until we find out what Star Wars means to J. J. least he made one more Star Trek movie. Even though the title is lame.

Since we are talking about movies and sequels, I have to discuss Before Midnight. While the whole world was obsessed/broke the internet with the Manti Te'o story, I was personally obsessed/trying to find out whatever I could about Before Midnight which was screened at Sundance. I mean, it is a little inhumane to ask people to wait for 9 years!!! Of course I'm being irrational about this! When I found out the basic plot (which I won't divulge here, but it is on wikipedia now), I realized the movie will be everything I had hoped for and everything I didn't know I wanted. The story is true, earnest, and most probably heart-aching. Now that I have these little tidbits, I can patiently wait until summer to watch it. I think.

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