Thursday, March 21, 2013

In New Girl World

*Originally posted on 2/20/2013

I would say I'm a casual tv watcher. There are certain points of the year where I never watch tv and there are times where I watch tv every night. The every night tv habit always coincides with season premieres, winter finales, network ratings watch (february), and season finales. I'm behind in most shows because of traveling and once you are is hard to catch up. But the one show I've been watching religiously is The New Girl. Frankly, my whole week revolves around New Girl at the moment.

I like How I met your Mother, those people are my age and I do like how well the show is run. But it might be too whimsical for me. But The New Girl? They live in LA, are just weird/odd people, and somehow coexist. The Nick/Jess plot is fantastically real. LA is filled with douchy people, so Schmidt is one with a heart full of gold. The plots of the show are so crazy/fun and so LA, that I usually watch in disbelief. But it really is all about Nick/Jess. I have a huge tv crush on Nick because he is a grumpy old man who is also the smartest person in the room. Jake Johnson, the actor that plays Nick, makes the most adorable faces and honestly out of everyone on The New Girl...we would be friends. I read somewhere, the writers have no idea what they are doing in regards to the Nick/Jess plotline. They are writing episode by episode. As much as that is probably the worse thing ever for a writer (someone is going to have a nervous breakdown), I love they are just going with it. Such good tv and so real. Normal people have feelings, insecurities, emotions, and hesitations. Seeing all that on tv is cringe-inducing, but a great reflection on who we really are and how we interact with the world.

I'm completely behind a Nick/Jess hookup. It is the most realistic thing that could happen. And the anticipation of waiting for the moment when real life is reflected on tv life is what brings me to watch the show every Tuesday.

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