I feel 2013 is my fashion year because everything I like is in style. It is great because there are so many things I can/shouldn't buy. Yet is also weird because I think everyone is dressing like me. Things that I love which are in style:
Lace. I love love lace. It is definitely a Catholic influence. These days there is alot of laser-cut lace but I've always favored the traditional lace.

I think it is the texture that has always drawn me to lace. Always interesting and unique. It is an extremely delicate fabric which means lots of care goes into washing lace. Over the years, I've stocked up on lace everything. Now there is lace everywhere!
The color mint.
I've always favored the color mint because it is the color of my favorite ice cream flavor: pistachio. I also like mint-flavored ice cream. I eventually learned the color of mint-colored pistachio is artificial. But I never stopped liking the color. As a mint-color aficionado, I can honestly say before this year there was a definite lack of mint anything. Now there is mint everything!
Color blocking. I'm not sure if I'm really into color blocking as much as I'm into "not matching." The best example of this is I hardly wear the same color nail polish on my fingers as my toes. I'm really behind the whole "mix prints" aesthetic though I have to admit it is a fine line between "elegant" and "clashing." My only advice is try to keep everything the same shade for mix prints.
The high-low dress. You know the dresses that are around the knees in the front and hit the ground at the back. My love of these dresses goes back to things structural/architectural. I was in Australia when these first came into fashion again. Seeing these dresses always reminds me of Australia and makes me smile. However, I feel the high-low dress is very trendy. I only own one, but I wear it all the time. It is not made of lace.
So 2013 is my fashion year right? I know the answer the yes because my bank account tells me it is. But that's okay, I'm stocking up in all of my favorite things.