Friday, April 5, 2013

Because basketball is life in LA

I've always disliked basketball. It comes down to a few simple things: referees have way too much power over the game, it really isn't a team sport (superstars control everything), and there are too many points (I mean 100 points, why would I ever pay attention for 100 points!) It mostly boils down to the fact San Diego doesn't have a basketball team, so I didn't grow up watching it. But I like to think I would never like basketball. At least professional basketball.

Some of my best years of graduate school are the ones UCLA made it to the Final Four. I always needed a winter sport and college basketball (especially when the school you are attending has a great basketball legacy) is an amazing fit. The games are on campus (how easy is that?), there's a huge rivalry with USC (they are better at football, we are better in basketball), and there are basketball traditions/cheers that are super fun. It is hard not to be swept up into the madness. In a 4 year span, UCLA made it to the Final Four 3X. Just thinking about it makes me smile. I saw the very first collegiate game of Russell Westbrook. I will probably despise Joaquin Noah for the rest of my life. UCLA basketball has made a definite impression on me.

During most of my years at UCLA, the basketball team was lead by Ben Howland. He was a former coach at University of Pittsburgh known for coaching defense. He was a good coach, smart and always looking out for his kids. Probably the basketball version of Coach Taylor. Over the past 5 or so years, UCLA basketball hasn't been very good. There were rumors Howland was having trouble recruiting. The real story is much more complicated yet simple. He became feed up with the boosters and the politics of recruiting. This lead to California high school basketball stars to sign letters of intent to schools halfway/completely across the country. Not that there are a lot of California high school basketball stars, but homefield advantage should work in your favor. The boosters tried to throw Howland under the bus in 2012, but somehow he was able to fend them off for one more year. His second round loss in the NCAA tournament this year sealed his fate. It was inevitable yet still sad.

To me, UCLA basketball will always be associated with Coach Howland. They are inseparable in my mind. I hope he does well, I owe most of my happy UCLA memories to him.

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