Friday, April 12, 2013

Beauty Finds: Nuance Salma Hayek

The purpose behind my beauty finds posts are to recommend products I've used and researched. Because why would I write a post about it? Un/fortunately (it depends on your own view) I hate wasting things. Whether it is food, clothes, beauty products, wine...I try really hard not to throw away anything. A recent example: I bought basil from Trader Joes to make green beans for Easter. Later that week, I made bruschetta, frittatas, and linguine. My adherence to living a non-wasteful life leads me to not go through beauty products quickly. So I haven't actually tried Nuance yet. I've decided to blog about it because I think it has the potential to be an amazing product line, it is readily accessible, and is fairly priced.

Salma Hayek's grandmother was a trained cosmetologist (how cool is that?). She developed her beauty line in honor of her grandmother and it uses naturally found ingredients. Nuance can be found in any CVS. I've been intrigued by the line for awhile and have looked at it in my local CVS. Nuance does use ingredients beneficial for certain beauty aliments. It wasn't tested on animals (huge +) and some of the products come highly recommended by users. Nuance is also relatively cheap compared to other beauty products which as a consumable is very important. The best advertisement for Nuance is Salma Hayek herself whom has gorgeous skin and hair. Though it must be noted, she has probably been using Nuance in some form for most of her life.

I do plan on trying Nuance someday soon and writing a follow-up post. But if you are in a CVS, I encourage everyone to at least check it out. If you end up trying Nuance, do let me know what you think!


  1. I've heard good things about Nuance over the last year or two, and would like to try some of the products. I tend to lean toward natural cosmetics, so if the line is paraben-free, I'm all in! Salma as creator/spokesmodel doesn't hurt either.

  2. I checked and Nuance is paraben free. Go Nuance!
