Thursday, April 18, 2013

Review of the Hunger Games Trilogy

*Originally posted on 1/6/2012

When I was thinking of books to read in Australia, I realized I'm not really a Chick Lit girl. But I was going to be on vacation, so I didn't want to read anything too heavy. I picked up a book about Operation Mincemeat that I found at Costco. It is a great, easy read with some World War II history. I was torn about getting the Hunger Games series for two reasons: I wasn't sure I could read a story about children killing other children and I didn't want to cart around hardcover books (the other two books in the series, Catching Fire and MockingJay, are found only in hardcover in the US). When I researched paperback versions of Catching Fire and MockingJay, I found out the only market to have them was the British Market. This was perfect! I could buy The Hunger Games in the US, read it during the 14 hour plane ride, buy the British versions of Catching Fire and MockingJay in Australia and read those on the plane ride back. And that's pretty much what happened.

Only The Hunger Games book is extensive about the Hunger Games (the actual event where children try to kill other children). The other two books revolve around a rebellion against the evil Capitol Entity that the female protagonist unknowingly instigates during the Hunger Games. It is remarkably relevant to the present day. How entitled people may not understand how entitled they are, how rebellion leaders may seek any means necessary to win, and the idea that humankind may never learn from history. The Hunger Games is set in the future, a post-apocalyptic future. And there's nothing about the author's (Suzanne Collins) view of the future world that I disagree with. Most importantly (to me), the series revolves around a young woman trying to save her family while realizing that she needs to be saved herself. Every teenage female should read this book. My only real critique is the book is in first person, a type of writing that I dislike. Then again, it is a young adult book.

I probably won't be watching the Hunger Games movies. My ideas/thoughts regarding the book don't need a Hollywood version, but I do hope the movie stays true to the books. It would be great disappointment if it didn't.

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